NewLife Expo Returns to Planet New York

New Life ExpoOnce again, holistic questers will journey to the other side – the West Side of Manhattan -- to attend NewLife Expo (October 15 to 17, 2010). Dubbed "the Disneyland of the mind, body and spirit," New York's greatest convergence of alternative healers, new agers, hypnotists and coaches will summon more than 200 exhibitors and speakers to the Hotel New Yorker (West 34th Street and 8th Avenue) and perhaps as many as 14,000 visitors.

The out-of-this-world’s-fair, organized by NewLife editor and founder Mark Becker, taps into today’s booming natural health and personal growth market, estimated at $230 billion a year.

One of the many returning practicioners to NewLife Expo is Brenda Cobb, founder of the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta. Her earthy spread of nuts, raw chocolates and all manner of oils are a popular stop on the expo floor for anyone refueling in between lectures and workshops. Cobb herself packs healthy crowds at her confabs, which hold out hopes of arresting and curing diseases and reversing aging, aided by a diet of raw and living foods. In 1999 she allegedly cheated breast and cervical cancer without surgery, chemo or radiation. If anyone can make you want to run out and buy a sprouter or swear off dead animals, she may be that guru.

Feeling adventurous? You may want to take a quantum leap with one of the country’s most celebrated intuitives and futurists, Dr. Sean David Morton. His healing technique of Quantum Enlightenment Dynamics will purportedly vibe participants into altered realities and dimensions, including accessing past lives through the “Tibetan Whip” technique. Other game shifters in his quiver are Remote Healing, Hands On Healing and Quantum Touch Vibrational HealING. Thanks to Dr. Morton’s borrowing from Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Reiki, Angelic Magic and the wisdom of Ascended Masters, participants are promised to “never be the same” in this eve of the final Ninth Wave of the Galactic Calendar.

Having now achieved a certain level of attainment and age, Dr. Morton will for the first time offer a S.R.V. (Spiritual Remote Viewing) workshop.  His loyal followers have been waiting for 12 years to learn the meditations and lessons he gleaned from his Black Hat TibetanMasters in Nepal at the T'ang Boyche monastery, which are credited with his ability to “travel the time stream” and make goose-flesh-inducing predictions.  

The twains of East and West are also preordained to meet at Goswami Sunyata’s Inner Fire Meditation workshop. Anointed stateside lineage holder of “Babaji’s Tantric Kriya Yoga,” the master of tantra, yoga, internal energy arts and temple teachings will give a literally spine tingling demonstration of how to arouse Kundalini Shakti and get your U3 peak experience (Unlimited Universal Unity) groove on.

All that shifting, remote viewing and energizing may require something more solid, say, crystals. After a spree at the Expo’s sundry jewelry vendors, you may be game for some DNA Theta Healing. Stacie Breeze will show this modality of cellular transformation developed by medical intuitive and healter Vianna Stibal. Everything from love and money to work and phobias are supposed to be deblocked through the release of “genetic beliefs” carried over from childhood, from this elemental perspective.

Awakening your inner goddess, eating your way to well-being and bliss, communing with the dead -- the list of mind-bending teachers and guides sprawls on, but, as a dweller of a recently troubled Manhattan apartment, I’m especially drawn to Sheldon Norberg’s Healing Your Own Home. The author of the book by the same title will psyche out what’s haunting our houses through “paranormal remediation.” Now if only someone can shine a shaft of light unto my landlord to lower the rent…


Embrace the full offering at

New Life Expo
October 15 to 17, 2010
Hotel New Yorker
481 8th Avenue at 34th Street

New York, NY 10001