Mighty Movie Podcast: Ben Lyons on Oscar 2011

So the people over at Yellow Tail wines were in touch with me again with an offer to talk with critic Ben Lyons. He's doing some Oscar-related stuff over at their movie/wine pairings website ReserveYourNight.com, and it sounded like a good opportunity to get his take on some of the pressing issues dealing with the coming Academy Award festivities, including how the Oscars' "10, Count 'Em, 10" nominees strategy is faring in its second year, whether Toy Story 3 is a great Pixar film, or the greatest Pixar film, and whether Harvey Weinstein will have fully earned his right to do the Happy Dance this Sunday.

Click on the player to hear the interview.

{enclose http://media.blubrry.com/mightymoviepodcast/mightymoviepodcast.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/MMP509_Ben_Lyons_on_Oscar_2011_v02.mp3}

For those of you who wanted to actually see the generational divide in living, breathing action, check out the video capture at mightymoviepodcast.com.