The 2020 Voices International Theatre Festival, produced by the Jersey City Theater Center, brings theatre from around the world to streaming audiences. Running October 15 to the 25th the VITF will feature 24 productions, many of which will have talk-backs with the artists immediately following the broadcast of their productions. Among the livestreamed events of drama, dance, one person shows and more, is an interactive presentation (on Fri Oct 23 at noon) led by the Institut Ramon Llull for Catalan Language and Culture, and Nau Ivanow, the Barcelona-based arts center and lab which had a hand in the Festival’s four Spanish-Catalonian entries – “Tuberias,” “The Legend of the Faun,” and “The Journey” from Los Escultores del Aire and “I Was Prospero (or remembering ‘The Tempest’)” from Projecte Ingenu.
Joining these participants will be the chamber dance-music duo Les Impuxibles sharing their work “Des-espera,” and GNIMC Guy Nader I Maria Campos showing “Set of Sets” (both supported by the Institute Ramon Llull). Also participating in this interactive presentation-demonstration are Laia Cabrera, an award-winning filmmaker and multimedia creator and Isabelle Duverger, an award winning Jersey City-based French animation and projection mapping artist.
Along with performances there are also panels and workshops including “Diving Deep Into Critical Group” led by Stephanie Chaiken, director of the New Jersey City University Center for the Arts, which explores the variety of relationships and structures of criticism playwrights can leverage in receiving feedback, criticism or during the collaborative process.
To learn more, go to: https://www.jctcenter.org/2020
Voices International Theatre Festival
October 15 - 25, 2020