Mountainfilm 2024 Showcases Documentaries in Colorado


Since 1979, Colorado’s Mountainfilm film festival has brought assembled a lineup of documentaries from activists and filmmakers and change makers with a message. Running May 23 to the 27th in Telluride, Colorado, Mountainfilm features over 90 films from around the world. 

399: Queen of the Tetons follows Grizzly #399, a renowned grizzly bear that inhabits the Grand Teton National Park. see as #399 struggles to raise an unusually large four-cub litter in the face of human encroachment and a rapidly changing climate. While the narrative follows #399’s decisions and the escalating human conflict, 399: Queen of the Tetons raises bigger thematic questions about humans’ relationship with nature, and how we connect, control, consume and conserve it. 

Ghost Resorts: Japan is a short film looking at the abandoned ski resorts dotting Japan’s landscapes. Symbols of Japan’s rapid economic growth in the 80s and the bubble bursting in the 90s, hundreds of these abandoned resorts remain, attracting curious visitors.

In Sugarcane an investigation into unmarked graves at an Indian residential school ignites a reckoning in the lives of survivors and their descendants, including the film’s co-director whose father was born, and nearly buried, at the school. Sugarcane spotlights the lasting traumas inflicted upon Indigenous North Americans from the residential school system, including physical and sexual abuse, the separation of families and the destruction of Native culture and language. 

The festival also includes a speaker series focusing on contemporary issues, art and photography exhibits, early morning coffee talks, outdoor programs, a book-signing party, an ice cream social, student programs and a closing picnic/awards ceremony. Presentations and panels are scheduled throughout the Memorial Day weekend event with a wide diversity of special guests, ranging from artists to adventurers and academics to activists.


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May 23 - 27, 2024

Various venues in Telluride, Colorado.