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With attendance numbers at over a hundred-thousand, New York Comic Con at the Jacob Javits Center is an event that is so massive that it’s easy to get completely swept up and miss some of the finer details. But we at Film Festival Traveler wanted to take the time to give you some one-on-one with some great minds from the world of comics, both old and new and we are presenting a series of video interviews with some of the talented people that make events like NY Comic Con worth going to.
2000 AD started as a humble British sci-fi anthology comic magazine in 1977, and has since become a stable of top sci-fi and fantasy talent from Britain. Authors and creators like Neil Gaiman, Brian Bolland, Kevin O’Neil, and Grant Morrison either got their start at 2000 AD, or were regular contributors to it. Whenever the Big Two want to get some fresh talent, they look to 2000 AD’s crop of artists and authors. The most well known character to come out of 2000 AD is Judge Dredd, who since 1977 has been dishing out his own brand of the law in the dystopian Mega City One. The 2012 film Dredd, despite underperforming in the box office, has garnered a cult following, leading to the film’s executive producer, Adi Shankar, to create an unofficial sequel to the film in the form of an upcoming web series.
But Dredd is only a small part of 2000 AD’s stable of characters, which includes Nemesis the Warlock by Kevin O’Neil (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), The Kingdom by Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy), and Nikolai Dante by Simon Fraser and Robbie Morrison. Nikolai Dante is about a carefree and swashbuckling rogue that was created at a time in comics when most heroes were brooding, gritting, and strictly wore black leather. We spoke with Dante’s creator, Fraser, and 2000 AD’s head of PR, Michael Molcher, about 2000 AD, the new British invasion, what is the deal with all these Doctor Who fans?
Video by Rishi Gandhi.
To learn more, go to: http://www.2000adonline.com/
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