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BookExpo America Has New Tricks Up Its Booksleeves

From May 25 to 27, 2010, BookExpo America (BEA) will once again reclaim its position as North America's leading publishing fair, drawing between 20,000 and 30,000 industry hands to the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Apparently, its organizers and attendees didn't make it to Macworld Expo 2008, where Apple CEO Steve Jobs reportedly said, " …the fact is that people don’t read anymore."

Besides its roughly 500 authors and 1,500 exhibitors, the show also serves book sellers, distributors, marketers, editors, literary scouts and agents, librarians and publicity professionals.

Opening on a glamorous note, Barbra Streisand will headline the New York event on the evening of May 25. Though the iconic actress, singer and director won't be cracking a tune, she will be interviewed about her upcoming book, My Passion for Design, to be published November 16 by Viking.

With more than 75 educational confabs planned, BEA 2010 offers plenty of other chances to catch live interviews with established and emerging authors. For the first time, it will add "Midtown Author Stages" to its Uptown and Downtown platforms.

Other new arrows in its quiver include the "DIY Authors Conference & Marketplace." Here writers seeking to self-publish or get published can score handy information and meet with do-it-yourself service providers such as Amazon, Author Solutions and

The DIY gathering will be jointly presented with the Gotham Writers' Workshop and The Writer magazine. It will take place on May 24, the start of Book Week and a day before Expo officially launches.

This year, the American Booksellers Association will bring its Opening Plenary session to the BEA, on the morning of May 25. Its focus, the "Value of a Book," was partly inspired by a recent New York Times Op-Ed piece by Jonathan Galassi, President of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, titled "There’s More to Publishing Than Meets the Screen." The CEO Panel, moderated by Galassi, will tackle critical issues of "value" in books facing diverse segments of the industry – who will be strategically assembled in one room.

Speakers include:

  • Bob Miller, Group Publisher, Workman
  • Esther Newberg, EVP, International Creative Management
  • Skip Prichard, CEO, Ingram
  • David Shanks, CEO, Penguin Group (USA)
  • Oren Teicher, CEO, ABA
  • Scott Turow, author,  incoming President, Authors Guild

That 2010 is a pivotal year in the evolution of electronic reading – as more and more consumers seek out eBook gadgets, apps and content – hovers over many if not most of BEA 2010's events.  

"Digital Book 2010" is but one more example. Jointly organized by the International Digital Publishing Forum and BEA, this May 25 conference will present panels, demos and case studies where digital content publishers and device manufacturers will catch the latest trends in the digital publishing industry. Sessions will consider the ePUB standard, eBook production and eBook piracy as well as best practices for digital newspapers, magazines and interactive content, among other topics.

On May 26 and 27th, IDPF will debut the "Digital Book Zone" on the pavilion floor. Among the exhibitors are Sony, E-Book Systems Inc, Aptara, BookRix, Entourage Systems, Hanwang Technology Co. Ltd and iScroll.

"The New Title Showcase" will reprise its worn groove as a favorite sneak preview of upcoming releases. Bookworms can browse to their eyes' content along the seemingly endless shelves of this Showcase co-sponsored by the Combined Book Exhibit and Reed Exhibitions (which acquired the EBA from American Booksellers Association), including its London Book Fair.

As definitive proof that someone still reads, this year, BEA planners took to heart visitors' feedback, and moved the exhibition from its weekend slot to mid-week.

Some new and returning Expo features include "Digital Book Stage" and "New York Book Week." And once again, to serve the ever-expanding Latino market, the "Global Market Forum Spanish Publishing" will operate its entrepot.

For devoted networkers -- or merely the weary -- the Librarian Lounge and the Independent Publishers Lounge will provide sanctuary from the Expo onslaught. Listen up and you'll hear the words of Dorothy Parker, written more than a half a century ago " ...I have gone down under the force of numbers, under the books and books and books that keep coming out and coming out and coming out, shoals of them, spates of them, flash floods of them, too blame many books, and no sign of an end."  

The more things change...

For a comprehensive roster of the Expo activities including a list of all the authors doing the signings go to:

BookExpo America
May 25 - 27, 2010
Jacob K Javits Convention Center
635 West 34th Street

New York, NY

13th Annual Streaming Media East

With more than 100 speakers across 30 sessions, Streaming Media East again takes place from May 11-12, 2010 at the Hilton New York. (Preconference Workshops are on Monday, May 10.)

At Streaming Media East, nearly 75% of the speakers are customers who are buying and deploying online video services and products today. The conference offers real-world advice of what is and isn't working. Whereas some shows cram too many speakers on a session or fill the agenda with vendor sales pitches, Streaming Media East solely focuses on information that can be immediately applied to business.

Now in its 13th year, the show is the number-one spot to come see, learn and discuss what is taking place with all forms of online video business models and technology.

Combining cutting-edge exhibitors and intensive conference sessions, Streaming Media East offers a chance to catch the best and brightest minds in the online video industry—at the podium, in the Exhibit Hall and among the attendees. Content owners, viral video creators, online marketers, enterprise corporations, broadcast professionals, ad agencies, educators and others all converge on Streaming Media East.

The event sessions address the following general concerns:

    •    User experience
    •    Customization and branding
    •    Monetization
    •    Advertising platform integration
    •    Syndication
    •    The needs of B2B vs. B2C customers
    •    Integration with set-top boxes and mobile devices
    •    Metrics and analysis
    •    ROI
    •    Live vs. On-Demand

 Streaming Media East 2010 speakers include:

Mark Abbott, President, Major League Soccer
Shujaat Ali, Director, Digital Services, NBC Universal
Rafat Ali, Editor, Publisher,
Scott Anderson, Director E-Commerce, Vitamin Shoppe
Thomas Aquilone, Media Services, Enterprise Technology Programs Manager, Lockheed Martin
Jason Arend, Director, E-Commerce, PFI Western
Eric Armstrong, President, Kontiki, Inc.
Roxanne Austin, CEO, Move Networks
Scott Barnett, Director, Web Communications, Fairfield University
Frank Bentley, Principal Staff Research Scientist, Experiences Research, Motorola
Ron Berryman, CEO, Canvas Technology
Patrick Bishow, Director, Multimedia Broadcasting, Standard & Poor's
Lynn Bolger, EVP, Advertising Solutions, comScore
David Boyll, Director, Digital Media Technology, Oracle
Louis Broome, Content Publishing Manager, Microsoft
Jim Bruton, Associate Director, Voice & Video Telecommunications, Ernst & Young
Richard Bullwinkle, Chief Evangelist, Rovi
John Caldwell, President, National Geographic Digital Media
Thomas Carpenter, VP Operations, Digital Chief of Staff, EPIX, Studio 3 Partners
Peter Cervieri, Director, Scribe Media
Hayle Chun, Director, Digital Media, NBC Sports & Olympics
Rob Davis, Partner, Interactive Marketing Director, OgilvyInteractive
Beth Doyle, Innovations Associate Director, VivaKi
Scott Doyne, Sr. Director, Business Operations, Turner Sports, NASCAR.COM
Troy Dreier,
Senior Associate Editor,
Craig Duff
, Multimedia Editor, Time Magazine
Justin Eckhouse, Senior Product Manager, Video and Mobile, CBS Interactive
Darren Feher, President, CEO, Conviva
Justin Foster, Founder, Video Commerce Consortium
Dan Frommer, Deputy Editor, The Business Insider
Paul Gelb, National Manager, Emerging Media, Razorfish
Larry Gelfand,
SVP, Media Sales, NHL
Glenn Goldstein,
VP, Media Technology Strategy, MTV Networks
Shalini Govil-Pai,
Lead Product Manager, You Tube/Google
Daniel Graf, CEO,
Co-Founder, Kyte
Dave Habiger, CEO,
Sonic Solutions
Greg Harris,
Chief Creative Officer, Daily Interactive
Jeffrey W. Hayzlett,
Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President, Eastman Kodak Company
Joe Inzerillo,
Brian Jaquet,
VP, Marketing, Roku
Brian Joe,
Video Network Planning, Verizon
Nick Johnson,
VP, Sales, NBC Universal Digital Media
Chris Johnston,
Director, Technology Partnerships, Brightcove
Peter Kafka,
Senior Editor, All Things Digital
Dina Kaplan,
Larry Kless,
Founder, President,
Chris Knowlton,
Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Jason Krebs,
EVP, Sales and Marketing, ScanScout
Jim Lanzone,
Lisa Larson-Kelley,
Flash Platform Consultant, Video Specialist, Adobe Community Professional
Ryan Lawler,
Staff Writer,
Bill Lederer,
CEO, Kantar Video
Bismarck C Lepe,
President, Products, Ooyala
Robert Levy,
Production Operations Manager, Executive Producer, Discovery Digital Media
Jason Liebman,
CEO, Co-Founder, Howcast
Alex Limberis,
COO, Popbox
Jim Louderback,
CEO, Revision3
Tara Maitra,
VP, GM, Content Services, TiVo
Jeff Malkin,
Eric Manchester, Manager, Digital Media Distribution, Time Warner Cable
Andy Marks, GM, MATTER
Mark Marvel,
Senior Director, Video Monetization,
Richard Mavrogeanes,
Founder, VBrick Systems
Bill McCandless,
GM, Executive Editor of Multimedia,
Vicki Mealer,
Senior Director, Product Management, Qualcomm FLO Technologies
Jeff Misenti,
Manager, VP, Fox News Digital
Monty Montgomery,
Director, Xiph.Org Foundation
Gregg Moss,
SVP, Video and Broadcast, Global Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Bank of America, Knowledge Channel
Scott Nadzan,
Director, Technology Services, Syracuse University
Adam Najberg,
Senior Editor, Video, The Wall Street Journal
Tim Napoleon,
Co-Founder, President, Alldigital
Erika Nardini,
VP, Brand Packaging, Yahoo!
Mike Newman,
CEO, Accordent Technologies
Ron Newman,
Assistant Vice President, Huntington National Bank
Jennifer Okula,
VP, Data Innovation, Safecount
Jan Ozer,
Principal, Doceo Publishing
Ari Paparo,
Product Director, Advertiser Products, DoubleClick
Patty Perkins,
Team Leader, Wells Fargo On Demand
Andy Plesser,
Executive Producer,
Lance Podell,
CEO, Next New Networks
Gary Powell,
Tech Co-Ord, University Of Toledo
Tony Raimundo,
SVP, Digital Media and Collaborative Technologies, CitiGroup
Dan Rayburn,
Executive Vice President,
Roxanne Reid,
Senior Director, Video Department,
Avner Ronen,
CEO, boxee
Jack Rotherham,
SVP, Strategic Development and Partnerships, Metacafe
Russ Scaduto,
Director, Multimedia Solutions, Penn State Hershey College of Medicine
Robert Schwartz,
Director, Digital Dialog, OgilvyInteractive
Paul Slavin,
SVP, ABC News Digital
Bill Smee,
Executive Producer, Slate V
Matt Smith,
Senior Director, Systems Architecture and Strategy, Inlet Technologies
Dr. Renee Smith,
Lecturer, Coordinator, Digital Media Services, University of Tennessee
Daniel Sokolow,
Multimedia Operations, North Shore LIJ
Anthony Soohoo,
SVP, GM, Entertainment and Lifestyle, CBS Interactive
David Stravach,
Technical Producer, U.S. Postal Service
Jason Suess,
Principle Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
Scott Szczurek,
Online Video Specialist, CME Group
Richard Tanner,
Senior Producer, Video, The New York Times
Jennifer Taylor,
Director, Flash Content Creation and Distribution, Adobe Systems, Inc.
Matt Timothy,
President, VINDICO Group
Paolo Tosolini,
Manager, Social Media, Online Video, Microsoft
Kevin Towes,
Product Manager, Flash Media Server, Adobe Systems, Inc.
Chris Wagner,
EVP, Co-Founder, NeuLion
Mark L Walker,
VP, Yahoo! News & Information
Martin Webb,
Technology Manager, Multimedia, Symbian Foundation
Daniel Webster,
SVP, Media, Synaptic Digital
Tom Wilde,
Michael Wolfson,
Founder, COO, Rocket Fuel
Jahn Wolland,
Director, National Sales, Online Video, Microsoft
Ron Yekutiel,
Chairman, CEO, Kaltura
John Zehr,
SVP, GM, ESPN Mobile

Featured sessions will address the following topics:

    •   HTML5 Video
    •   Inside the Cross-Platform Olympics Experience
    •   Media Framework: Video Publishing Platforms
    •   Using HD Video for Better Engagement
    •   Bridging TV and Broadband
    •   Streaming Production: Improving Your Video Quality
    •   Content Syndication and Aggregation Strategies
    •   P2P on the Flash Platform
    •   Advertising Spending: From Trickle to Torrent
    •   Streaming Video and the Television Landscape
    •   CDN Pricing: The Going Rate for Video Delivery

On May 10, 2010, the Content Delivery Summit takes places as part of the Streaming Media conference. The Summit has been created to bring together customers, vendors, analysts and Wall Street to discuss and define where the video delivery industry is headed. It offers actionable advice and tangible data that will help you choose the right technology, better understand customers needs and provide the vision of where the business and technology of online video delivery are headed.

In addition to its focus on how competition, customer demands, consolidation, and the broader IT landscape will shape the content delivery marketplace, the Summit also considers the traffic and growth patterns content that owners are seeing, the type of reporting and analytics they need and what pricing trends are taking place in the market.

Hear the technology debate on what impact P2P, network architecture, HD quality video and live broadcasting will have on the market. Share insights, ideas, and experiences and the knowledge to help navigate the ever-changing video delivery industry. Go to:

For more info on both go to: 

Streaming Media East
May 11-12, 2010
(Preconference Workshops - Monday, May 10)
Hilton New York

New York, NY

Other related conferences include:

Content Delivery Summit Europe
[October 13, 2010]

Streaming Media Europe
[October 14-15, 2010]

Online Video Strategies Europe
[October 14-15, 2010]

Streaming Media West
[November 2-3, 2010]

Online Video Platform Summit
[November 2-3, 2010]

The NYC Pet Show 2010

Presented in a collaboration with the American Pet Products Association, the inaugural NYC Pet Show -- taking place May 22-23, 2010, at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Manhattan -- provides attendees with an interactive experience of activities, meet & greets, seminars and panel discussions. This lifestyle event will discover new products and services and gather information that will help you have better relationships with your animals.

And of course your pets are welcome!

The NYC Pet Show has stage programming led by industry experts focusing on all things pet! throughout the weekend. Featured sessions include:

  • "What Do Cats Want From Their Litter Box" with Beth Adelman
  • "Money Saving Pet Tips" with Charlotte Reed
  • "Animal House Style" with Julia Szabo
  • "Where to Travel with Your Pet This Summer" with Emily Goldfischer of the Loews Regency Hotel
  • "Is Your Pet the Next Big Animal Actor?" with Dawn Wolfe
  • "Adopting a Shelter Pet" with Gail Buchwald of the ASPCA
  • "Cat Myths Debunked" with Anne Hohenhaus, DVM
  • "Tips from the Groomer of the Year" with Olga Zabelinskaya

In addition to stage presentations, the vendor hall will have fun activities including:

  • Mini make-overs with Jorge Bendersky, Celebrity Dog Groome
  • FREE dog grooming with Babette Haggerty
  • Meet & Greets with's expert maltese Ethel
  • Pup-casso Paw Painting
  • Photo ops with Westminster "Best in Show" winners Rufus & James
  • Meet Westminster's "Schmitty the Weather Dog" and Ron Trotta

Raffle prizes from every hour

The Metropolitan Pavilion will also be filled with vendors and services where attendees can shop and learn about pet products. Participating vendors Include:

  • American Cancer Society Bark For Life
  • American Pet Products Association
  • Amore dei Cani
  • Angel On A Leash
  • Animal Instincts Pet Psychic
  • The Animal Medical Center
  • Ark Naturals Products for Pets
  • Art-casso
  • Babette Haggerty's Dog Training
  • Bamboo Pet/Fat Cat
  • Blue Buffalo
  • Bowser Go Potty
  • Chloe's Canine
  • Comfort Zone
  • Daily Kibble
  • Dr. G's Fresh Pet Food
  • Earthborn Holistic
  • Flydog
  • GreenDog Naturals
  • Hartsdale Pet Cemetery & Crematory
  • i Rescue Rover Apparel
  • Isle of Dogs
  • Jacques in the City
  • Lambert Vet Supply
  • Leashes and Lovers
  • Little Star LLC
  • Loews Regency Hotel
  • Lucky Paws
  • Mars Veterinary
  • Merrick Pet Care
  • Metropolitan Dog Club
  • Mulligan Stew Pet Food
  • Natura Pet Products
  • Nature's Variety
  • New York Post
  • The New York Times
  • Pedigree
  • Pet Acoustics
  • PetaPotty
  • Petcurean Pet Nutrition
  • Pipsqueak Productions
  • Posh & Co.
  • Primal Pet Foods
  • PupGear Corporation
  • The Puppy Hugger
  • The Refined Feline
  • Resco Pet Products
  • Robbie Dawg, Inc.
  • Schmitty the Weather Dog
  • Sherpa Pet Group
  • Simply Fido
  • Stella & Chewy's
  • SynergyLabs
  • TD Bank
  • Wagatha's
  • Water 4 Dogs
  • World's Best Cat Litter
  • Yoghund
  • ZiwiPeak, Ltd.

Below is a selection of Meet & Greets and Stage Presentation:

Having A Pet Without Breaking the Bank
Saturday and Sunday
1:30pm to 2:15pm
Aware of Americans' concern for their furry friends and bank accounts, Pet Care and Lifestyle Expert Charlotte Reed offers NYC Pet Show attendees a series of money saving pet tips so that they can save money, without sacrificing the care their pets deserve. Reed suggests pet owners practice the ounce of prevention theory: taking their pets to their annual veterinary visits; brushing their teeth to prevent expensive cleanings; and giving their pets Heartworm and flea and tick medications.

She also believes that in the case of luxuries such as doggie daycare and trips to the pet spa, however, there are ways to cut back while not compromising the level of love, care and affection your pet receives. "There is more that you can do beyond buying discounted medications. In some cases, creativity comes into play," she says.

Cesar Millan at the NYC Pet Show
Saturday, May 22nd
Millan, best-selling author and a popular TV series star has launched Cesar's Way magazine, a premier lifestyle magazine based on his philosophy and teachings. Meet Cesar and get an autographed copy.  

The booth
Saturday and Sunday
at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm
Stop by to win fabulous pet prizes each day including free pet daycare, grooming, style gifts and more.  Winners will be announced at 1:15pm, 2:15pm and 3:15pm.

Ethel,'s wise and adorable maltese Meet & Greet
Saturday, May 22nd
Submit your pet questions for the next "Ask Ethel" behavior advice column to a editor

Dog trainers, Kate Perry (named New York Magazine's "Best Dog Trainer in NYC") and Robert Haussman, Dog Boy NYC
Sunday, May 23rd
Two of New York's best will be discussing their craft.

While at the show, pick up complimentary copies of Modern Dog, the Pet Gazette and the New York Post...

Tickets on sale at $20 in advance.

Become a fan of the NYC Pet Show on Facebook.

For speaker bios and programming info vendor offers and industry news... visit the website:

NYC Pet Show
May 22-23, 2010
11am - 5pm
Metropolitan Pavilion

125 W. 18th Street

CCK Global Events | 555 Madison Avenue | 30th Floor | New York | NY | 10022

ShowBiz Expo - LA

This year’s Los Angeles edition of the ShowBiz Expo, the largest networking event for the entertainment industry, is taking place April 24-25, 2010 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Events include a wide range of networking opportunities besides the exhibit hall: workshops and seminars, designers' showcase, focus groups, roundtable discussions, film festival, headshot displays for casting, live auditions for performers, movie reel showcase, original music showcase and much more.

Free keynotes include:

"Can You Talk Your Way to an Oscar™? Meet the Stars Behind the Voices,"
presented by, which explores the exploding voiceover field.  

"Low Budget Film Production"
Moderator: Al Satterwhite (director/cameraman/photographer) with
Kimberley Browning (festival director, Hollywood Shorts/filmmaker/producer),
Greg Crowder (founder, 6 Reel Pictures/writer) and
Robert Mann (director)

Some of the Panels are:

“Get Carded” (SAG, AFTRA, Equity, etc) with
Ivan Rivas (outside business representative, Actors' Equity Association)
William F. Thomas (AFTRA Los Angeles executive director)
Nayla Wren (director of organizing, Screen Actors Guild)

“Show Me the Money” -- Moderated by: Alan Brody (Founder, iBreakfast) The Red HD Camera
(who also moderates "Fast Pitch - Pitch your Idea to Investors") with
Adam Chapnick (IndieGoGo)
Anne Marie Gillen (Gillen Group LLC)
Larry Langs (iBusinessPartners)
Gene Massey (

“View from Behind the Camera” -- moderated by Stephanie Argy (filmmaker & contributing writer, American Cinematographer Magazine) with
Fred Goodich, ASC (Dangerous Ideas)
Francis Kenny, ASC (Justified)
Geary McLeod, ASC (The Mentalist)
George Mooradian, ASC (According to Jim)

“The Biggest Thing to Hit Acting in the Last 50 Years Comes to LA”
with Helen Kogan (The Science of Acting)

“Seeing Red”
Everything you wanted to know about using the RED Camera and the Equipment that goes with it.  Presented by Hollywood Shorts.

Throughout each day, the ShowBiz Expo Los Angeles Film Festival hosts free screenings of short films from emerging filmmakers.

For more information, visit and select “ShowBiz Expo Los Angeles”.  

ShowBiz Expo - LA
April 24-25, 2010

LA Convention Center
1201 S. Figueroa Street, West Hall B
Los Angeles, CA

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