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The Museum of the Moving Image (36-01 35th Ave, Queens, NY 11106) will be extending its Envisioning 2001 exhibition, which looks back on Stanley Kubrick’s seminal 2001: A Space Odyssey through October 17th, 2021.
Exhibition highlights include Special Photographic Effects Supervisor Douglas Trumbull’s concept sketches for Clavius Base, from MoMI collection; costumes, including a space suit worn in the Clavius Base scene and Moonwatcher ape suit worn by Dan Richter in the Dawn of Man scene; and storyboards, contact sheets, test films, and photographs related to the Stargate special effects sequence.
Alongside the exhibition MOMI will also be screening 2001 in both a 4K restoration and a 70mm version (tickets sold separately, there’s also an option to combine your exhibition ticket with a screening ticket). Let me tell you from personal experience, you have not truely seen 2001 until you’ve seen it on the big screen. That’s when it goes from being simply a movie, to a truly awe inspiring experience.
To learn more, go to: http://www.movingimage.us/
Envisioning 2001
Extended Through October 17, 2021
The Museum of the Moving Image
36-01 35th Avenue
Queens, NY 11106