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The term “indie” gets bandied about quite a lot these days, but The Woodstock Film Festival (October 15 – 19, 2014) strives to be “fiercely independent.” Set in Woodstock New York (along with events in Rhinebeck, Kingston, Rosendale and Saugerties). As a non-profit film fest, Woodstock exhibits film makers outside the norm, along with a long and proud history celebrating LGBTQ films and filmmakers.
Director Darren Aronofsky (Noah, Black Swan, The Wrestler) will be receiving the special Maverick Award on Saturday, October 18 at Backstage Studio Productions Lounge in Kingston NY (323 Wall St. Kingston, NY 12401). Aronofsky’s 1998 film π (Pi), made him an indie darling and he continues to bring his unique style to his more big budget studio outings. Tickets for the ceremony are available HERE.
The full programing list for the Woodstock Film Fest is to be announced soon.
To learn more, go to: http://www.woodstockfilmfestival.com/
The Woodstock Film Festival
October 15 – 19, 2014
Various Locations
Backstage Studio Productions Lounge
323 Wall St.
Kingston NY 12401