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From the blasted ruins of New York, to the frozen wastes of Antartica and beyond, John Carpenter has re-shaped action, suspense, horror and sci-fi with his hands-on approach to genre film, and a distinct sound design. From February 5th to the 22nd, 2015 the BAM Rose Cinema and BAM Cinematek (30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY) will pay tribute to the maestro of movie malevolence with John Capenter: Master of Fear.
Opening the festival on February 5 is a one night only one on one conversation between Carpenter and Brooke Gladstone of NPR’s On the Media. Over the course of the fest is a showing of the finest films from Carpenter’s cinematic history:
Also selected are several of Carpenter’s favorite films, such as William Friedkin’s suspenseful Sorcerer, Peckinpah’s gripping Straw Dogs and the sci-fi classic that’s equal parts schlock, Freud, and Shakespeare: Forbidden Planet.
John Carpenter's work in cinema both built up genres and teared down conventions as he made the mundane suburban neighborhood into a place of sheer terror while also making men beyond the stars funny and loveable. Tickets are on sale now.
To learn more, go to: http://www.bam.org/
John Carpenter: Master of Fear
February 5 - 22, 2015
BAM Cinematek
30 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217