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Now in its 9th year, the New York ReelAbilities Film Festival, conducted by the Manhattan JCC, presents a wealth of films and programming emphasizing inclusion, advocacy and diversity. With screenings at venues across New York City and Westchester, the ReelAbilities film festivalpromotes awareness and appreciation of the lives, stories and artistic expressions of people with different abilities. ReelAbilities Film Festival showcases films, conversations and artistic programs to explore, embrace, and celebrate the diversity of our shared human experience.
Opening the festival is Sanctuary, directed by Len Collin, which follows a couple with intellectual disabilities looking for some alone time, and by attempting to be intimate, they’re breaking the law in Ireland. The festival concludes with the music-filled How Sweet the Sound, directed by Leslie McCleave, which follows the history of the legendary gospel quartet The Blind Boys of Alabama.
The Reel Diversity: the Audacity of Authenticity panel discussion and screening with show the film the The View From Tall and features special guests:
Also part of the festival is an afternoon of free, family-friendly programs, including the autism-friendly screening of Reel Spectrum, the Reel Encounters short films compilation, theater, performances, workshops, and more. Other special events include a Shabbat dinner that also screens four short films on deafness, panel discussions throughout the city, and performance art showcases.
To learn more, go to: http://newyork.reelabilities.org/
9th Annual ReelAbilities Film Festival
March 2 - 8, 2017
Various Venues in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Westchester.