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Looking at the world of new Russian cinema, Russian Film Week USA runs January 23 to the 29th, 2021. The fest includes documentaries and children’s films, and are all international or North American premieres. The festival opens with Alexey Uchitel’s Tsoy, which imagines the aftermath of the fateful 1990 car accident that killed Soviet rock idol Victor Tsoy as his remains are transported. Also playing is The Whaler Boy, in which an indigenous teenagerdiscovers a world far beyond his whaling community.
Other films include The Conference directed by Ivan Tverdovskiy, recounting 2002 terrorist attack in a Moscow theater and the effect of survivor's guilt. In Deeper! an ambitious young director brings art house methodology to adult films. Doctor Lisa is a feature about a real-life doctor caring for Moscow’s most vulnerable.
To learn more, go to: https://russianfilmweekusa.com
Russian Film Week USA
January 23 - 29, 2021