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The nonprofit Big Sky Film Institute will be putting on the 18th annual Big Sky Documentary Film Festival (BSDFF) February 19 to the 28th. Streamed online, the BSDFF features over 75 films from around the world. The fest comprises 27 features and 50 short documentaries including 27 World Premieres and 12 North American Premieres. These documentaries cover a gamut of topics such as social justice, natural wonder, humor, immigration, and societal strife. Opening the festival is the world premiere of Havana Libre, the debut feature length documentary from director Corey McLean, following a group of Cubans who rise up to demand legitimacy for their beloved sport of surfing after decades of cultural prohibition. In A Horse Has More Blood Than a Human an older couple leaves Tehran to return to their idyllic home town on the Turkish border, but their dreams of quiet retirement are shattered by the realization that their town has become a smuggling gateway into Europe, and everyone they know is involved. Ms Diva Trucker follows a long-haul trucker who turns to YouTube to combat loneliness and social isolation. In the process, she creates an empowering online community whose impact reaches far beyond America’s highways.
The festival includes live-stream Q&As with filmmakers, panels, and online social events. In addition to screenings, BSDFF will host the Big Sky DocShop conference February 22-26, a five-day filmmaker’s forum that includes panels, filmmaker roundtables, a pop-up legal clinic and the popular Big Sky Pitch for works-in-progress.
To learn more, go to: https://www.bigskyfilmfest.org/
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2021
February 19 - 28, 2021