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In 1940 a newspaper published a comic strip unlike anything before. Dripping with noir atmosphere, bizarre yet grounded characters, and stories ranging from intense action to contemplative tales, Will Eisner’s The Spirit remains a seminal moment in comics, graphic novels, sequential art, or whatever label you prefer to give the medium. And even if that was all Will Eisner did with his life, he would still be considered an innovator in the medium of comics and a bristol board virtuoso, but he did us all one better with his deeply moving graphic novels A Contract With God, Invisible People, Sundiata, and many more. And for the week of March 1 - 7, 2015, Will Eisner Week will celebrate not only the life of one of comic’s greatest authors, but also the importance of reading graphic novels and what we can learn from them.
Spanning over 20 cities, Will Eisner Week is organized by the Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation and celebrates comic books as a creative medium. Cities participating include New York, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Cambridge, Seattle, Los Angeles, London, Glasgow, and Rio de Janeiro. Specific events will be listed on the official website in February. The theme of the week is “Read a Graphic Novel!” and now is a great time learn about the importance of graphic novel as a medium, and the creativity and bravery of the people behind them.
To learn more, go to: www.WillEisnerWeek.com
Will Eisner Week
March 1 - 7 2015