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The Midwest Music Expo (or MMX) was formed in 2019 out of Illinois with the goal of fostering talent and establishing connections in the world of midwest music. This has included many online and recorded panels and discussions with musicians, music attorneys, activists, and entrepreneurs. Now on May 15th 2PM CST The Best of Midwest Music Expo, a special presentation, will be made of past panels and discussions in anticipation of the upcoming fifth installment of MMX. Panels will be streamed live but can also be viewed on demand and features speakers including Martin Atkins, Wendy Day, Darryl Hurs, Gaelynn Lea, and more.
To learn more, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-best-of-the-midwest-music-expo-tickets-153746591193or
The Best of Midwest Music Expo
May 15, 2021