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Now in its 42nd year, Canadian Music Week is Canada's leading annual entertainment event dedicated to the Canadian music, media and entertainment industries. Combining indepth conferences; a trade exposition; awards shows and the nation's largest new music festival. The CMW festival features acts including Walk Off The Earth, Christone “Kingfish” Ingram, Ekali, Lola Brooke, and many more.
As part of its conference, the CMW also features a keynote interview with DJ/Producer deadmau5. Other panel discussions feature Jeremy Elrich (Spotify’s Global Head of Music), and promoter Bill Silva. Tom Jackson's Live Music Makeover has the renowned Live Music Producer, Author and Speaker Tom Jackson transform your onstage presence. With an impressive resume that includes collaborations with A-listers like Taylor Swift, Magic!, Shawn Mendes, and The Band Perry, Tom Jackson is a master at turning good performances into great ones. This masterclass is designed for musicians dedicated to their craft and ready to elevate their stage presence to the next level.
The conference will also feature award ceremonies and more panel discussions, while the music festival side brings the tunes.
To learn more, go to: https://cmw.net/
Canadian Music Week
June 1- 8, 2024
Various Venues
Toronto, Ontario