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From podcasts to the Bard, the HEAR Now festival runs from June 9 to 12 and approaches all subjects aural. HEAR Now is the audio equivalent of a film festival for contemporary audio storytelling in all its forms: live and scripted solo performances, multi-voiced, classic radio drama, experimental narrative, and much more. In locations throughout Kansas City, Missouri the festival opens with Shakespeare in Sound at the Truman Forum at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City Public Library. Shakespeare in Sound includes historical and contemporary recordings, live performances of selected scenes, and many special sonic treats from the Bard.
Each night, beginning on Thursday, June 9th, from 5:00pm-6:00pm, and running through Saturday, June 11th, guest narrators read selections from Mark Twain at Prospero's Books in Cafe Caliban.
The Last Broadcast on Friday, June 10th at 9:00pm invites you to walk the Red Carpet in your best zombie makeup as HEAR Now presents the premiere of The Last Broadcast in the Holiday Inn's main ballroom. Recorded live at NATF's The Audio Theatre Workshop in West Plains, MO, The Last Broadcast is an original tale of zombies, radio, zombies, and more that follows a volunteer-powered community radio station, and DJ Carl Hughes, who can't catch a break as he deals with a techie new intern, an overprotective station manager and a secret government experiment gone horribly awry.
Oh! What A Poetical War! will be from 1:00pm - 2:30pm on Saturday, June 11th, in the auditorium at the World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial.This program of live readings and recorded materials showcases the popular poetry of the time before and during the Great War: the Music Hall songs; the songs the soldiers sang; the poems that served as recruitment in verse; and a sampling of the serious poems, from the War Poets, many of whom died in the trenches, or who, surviving against the odds, devoted the rest of their lives to honoring their comrades by telling and retelling the truths of that war.
Maggie Linton, host of The Maggie Linton Show, heard daily on SiriusXM Urban View, will host her show on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, from the HEAR Now Festival grounds as part of the program's "Get Out The Vote" effort in Kansas City, MO. A Kansas City area native, Maggie has been in broadcasting for 42 years.
Why simply listen to your favorite Podcast on a phone or a computer when you can go to a festival that truly celebrates them?
To learn more, go to http://www.hearnowfestival.org/
HEAR Now Festival
June 9 - 12, 2016
Various Locations
Kansas City, MO