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Negin Farsad. Photo by Bret Hartman
Now in its second year, the Speak Up Rise Up storytelling festival takes place August 6 - 12 at New York’s The Tank (312 W 36th St.). Speak Up, Rise Up was started by community organizer and storyteller, Asher Novek, after the 2016 Presidential election. The mission of the festival is to create a network of stories, sharing, and workshops to elevate disenfranchised communities’ and bring together people via personal storytelling.
The festival includes storytellers, stand ups, podcasts and solo performers, including WNYC's Nancy Podcast, Andrew Collin, Ophira Eisenberg, Bobby Hankinson, Shalewa Sharpe, Sydnee Washington, and Josh Johnson who is one of 6 comics to be features in The Comedy LineUp on Netflix which premieres on August 31.
Other events include the Tell, Queer Storytelling Show, featuring a line-up of queer folks telling their own stories on their own terms including Danielle Earle, Azure D. Osborne-Lee, David Reyes, Sara Jane Stoner, and Foxy Squire.
Average Women with Average Rage features stand up comics Leah Bonnema, Ophira Eisenberg, and Negin Farsad as they blend personal stories and political commentary.
To learn more, go to: https://www.speakupriseup.com/
Speak Up Rise Up 2018
August 6 - 12, 2018
The Tank
312 W 36th St.
New York, NY 10018