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Charlie Kaufman in Hey Charilie
Celebrating theatrical works that break off into new and exciting territory, the third annual NY Indie Theatre Festival returns to NYC with premieres and special performances. Running February 8 to 11 at the New Ohio Theatre (154 Christopher St.), the NYITFF is also produced by the New Ohio Theatre, a two-time Obie Award winning establishment.
The festival opens with the premiere of Poor Behavior, a dark, dysfunctional comedy that marks the film directorial debut by Theresa Rebeck (upcoming spy thriller 355, Broadway’s Bernhardt/Hamlet, NBC’s “Smash”), based on her play of the same name. Ms. Rebeck will participate in a talkback after the screening, moderated by Marc Stuart Weitz, New Ohio Theatre’s Producing Director.
This year’s lineup includes 14 world and New York premieres, including:
To learn more, go to: http://newohiotheatre.org/screenings2019.htm
NY Indie Theatre Film Festival
February 8 - 11, 2019
New Ohio Theatre
154 Christopher St. #1E
New York, NY 10014