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With just a few weeks left before Christmas and after being completely burned out from Black Friday & Cyber Monday, where does one go to get affordable yet chic presents? With the return of its TheGifter Campaign, the T.J. Maxx, Marshall’s and HomeGoods trifecta has you covered. Where else can you go for unbelievable prices for name-brand and designer-brand goods? No need to wait in line for doorbuster sales, you can shop for everyone on your list at any of these stores.
At a recent 2013 holiday preview in NYC, T.J. Maxx, Marshalls and HomeGoods showcased some of this season’s most coveted gifts and the latest trends. Given the amount of merchandise and range of names they carry, we only saw a smidgen of what’s offered.
With an endless supply of options, you’re covered. For everyone in your life - the fashionista, Martha Stewart wannabe, the gadget geek, babies, tots & toddlers, even for your pets, everything is there. For wardrobe, accessories, beauty accessories, jewelry – head to TJ Maxx & Marshalls. For inexpensive but so-expensive looking home furnishings, decor, and all-round home entertaining, head to HomeGoods.
With so much savings, you’ll have enough left over to treat yourself.