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After moving from the Javits Center to Pier 94, Special Edition: NYC continues to be a great convention in its second year. Sure, there was significantly less natural lighting at the Pier, but con-goers compared it to the hideout of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or some sorta cyberpunk dystopia, so nobody seemed to mind too much.
The regular New York Comic Con is definitely a tremendous spectacle and a great show, but it can be utterly draining. Meanwhile SENYC has a much more leisurely feel to it. There were enough people attending to make it feel lively, but it was not so jam packed that you could barely walk around. Marvel’s series of panels on its Secret Wars mega-event drew attention (and suspicion from fans believing the comic company would be excising any characters they didn’t also own the movie rights to). but I spent most of my time traversing the Artist’s Alley section. In attendance were plenty of cape book old guards (Peter David, Brian Michael Bendis), some indie impresarios (Brandon Graham, Colleen Coover), and a batch of webcomic folk (Jeph Jacques, Meredith Gran) rounding the show out so things had a nice something-for-everybody feel.
Beyond the Longbox caught up with some of these authors and artists to ask them about the comics that gave them the drive to create their own works.
Hopefully Special Edition: NYC will remain a staple in the New York con scene.