the traveler's resource guide to festivals & films
a FestivalTravelNetwork.com site
part of Insider Media llc.
Organizing a film festival, music festival, or food fest can be a tremendous undertaking. It is crucial to understand everything that can go wrong and how to best mitigate possible disaster and turn your fest into one of legend (and not in the way Fyre Fest became legendary). That is where FestForums Santa Barbara comes in. Held at the Fess Parker Resort (633 East Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara, CA) and running November 16 - 18, FestForum is a meeting of minds to help you learn how to get the most out of your festivals.
From their press release: FestForums is a festival conference for food, beverage, music and film festival industry leaders that takes place biannually in Santa Barbara, CA and New York City. Addressing cutting-edge technology, talent, ticketing, sponsorships, scheduling, merchandising, operations, sustainability, charitable work, innovation and safety, FestForums brings together festivals and events of all sizes for collaboration and professional development.
To learn more, go to: http://www.festforums.com/
FestForums Santa Barbara
November 16 - 18, 2017
Fess Parker Resort
633 East Cabrillo Blvd.
Santa Barbara, CA 93103