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The world of theater marches on amidst the global crisis of Covid-19 and police brutality. Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) announces the first virtual presentation of its 2020 TRU Voices New Plays Reading Series. The series, a benefit for Theater Resources Unlimited to help make up for financial losses due to COVID-19, will take place on Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 2:30pm EDT and on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm EDT. These are plays that address global crises, diaspora, authoritarian violence, and making sense of a chaotic world.
The series features two world premiere plays: No Entry by Marc Paykuss, which follows Jews who were displaced after being liberated from Nazi camps and placed in interim detention camps, and Disbelief, a Cassandra Tale by Garret Jon Groenveld, which uses the Cassandra legend to catalog the struggle of women being believed and having their voices heard.
TRU is the leading network for developing theater professionals, a twenty-seven-year-old 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to help producers produce, emerging theater companies to emerge healthily and all theater professionals to understand and navigate the business of the arts. Membership includes self-producing artists as well as career producers and theater companies.
To learn more, go to: https://www.onthestage.com/theater-resources-unlimited/
TRU Voices New Plays Reading Series
June 14 & June 17, 2020