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In what could be considered a major boon for eSports, ESL, along with ReedPop and Twitch, will be hosting the National Dota 2 Tournament at Madison Square Garden in New York City on October 9th and 10th, 2014. The tournament is being held as part of the New York Super Week, a series of comic, video game, and "geek" related events leading up to the New York Comic Con (October 10 - 13). Competitors will be entering for a chance to win $100,000. The invitees will be announced as the tournament approaches. The event will be streamed online by Twitch, who have covered ESL’s events since 2011.
ESL’s tournaments in Frankfurt earlier this summer, along with the recent International Dota 2 Championships in Seattle have become enormous events with attendees from all over the world, and over 20 million viewers online. Coverage of the Dota 2 International Championships on ESPN2 recently caused a spot of controversy when fans of traditional sports took to social media to voice their disdain for eSports gaining mainstream coverage. The tourney at Madison Square Garden is being touted by ESL as the largest “in person competitive gaming event” in the world.
To learn more, go to http://www.esl-one.com/ or http://www.newyorksuperweek.com/
National Dota 2 Tournament
October 9 - 10, 2014
Madison Square Garden
4 Pennsylvania Plaza
New York, NY 10001