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Examining the growing possibilities for video games to teach, rehabilitate, and enlighten, the 13th Annual Games for Change Festival is looking towards a bright future for video gaming. Running from June 23 to 24 at the Parsons School of Design (66 5th Ave, New York, NY) the festival encompasses three subjects: Civics & Social Impact, Neurogaming & Health, and Games for Learning. Programs include initiatives to teach high schoolers to create games based around issues affecting their lives and communities, game design competitions, and a public arcade where visitors can try new games from Festival participants.
Sid Meier, creator of the long running Civilization series of simulation games, and Susana Pollack, the President of Games for Change, will be part of the keynote discussions on games for good, along with a wide range of panels that include discussion on the portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in games, games used for early learning, teaching code, and more.
To learn more, go to: http://www.gamesforchange.org/
Games for Change Festival
June 23 - 24, 2016
Parsons School of Design
66 5th Ave
New York, NY 10011